what we offer

craft, brainwork, informations, services, consulting, training

We offer services, consulting and training around information



We support you in the production of your data, your knowledge in the areas of open access, collaboration, cross media publishing, format templates, XML, ... so that your data or your knowledge is also available as information.

You can find out more about the use of data and information producton here.


Organizing data usually goes hand in hand with analyzing the structures and optimizing the processes in an organization.

Learn more about organizing data here.


Data that can be used represent a material value and enable legal requirements to be met or legal claims to be enforced or averted.

You can find out more about the use of data here.


The information that is right for you is valuable. We support you in your search.

You can find out more about information gathering here.


We design, evaluate, develop and implement systems for processing structured or unstructured data.

You can find out more about information systems here.


Bit-form trust is new and challenges our human capabilities.

You can find out more about information security here.


We research questions in the wide range of information.

You can find out more about our research here.


EasyDigital. My personal information management.
We help you to solve your questions and needs in the digital world, as long and deeply as you wish, so that you can use your digital tools and data without any worries.

You can find out more about EasyDigital here.

Target groups

Since we live in the information age and call ourselves an information society, we can offer something to almost everyone.

You can find out more about our target groups here.

Way of working

You can find out more about our work procedure and our costs and conditions here.

Feel free to contact us.

We look forward to you.

cmdt information, switzerland