who works with you:
humans are behind the maschines.
christoph müller #

christoph müller
BSc in information science FHO
fix: +41 71 340 06 86
mobil: +41 77 456 58 61
xmpp: cmdtcm@swissjabber.ch
email: cm18(ät)cmdt.ch
pubkey: 0x565E5D50
since completing my apprenticeship, i have mainly worked in the field of software development.
in order to acquire the "organizational" knowledge in information technologies in addition to the technical skills, i completed my bachelor's degree in information science at the FH HTW Chur in 2009.
in recent years i have been involved in research, teaching and service projects in the fields of modern record management and digital long-term storage and in the implementation of open access institutional repositories.
i am no longer a member of the eCH specialist groups Records Management/GEVER
and Geschäftsprozesse.
family work is important to me alongside my job.
depending on the task, we work together with external partners.