we offer information-related services
open source, open standards, open access, open data, ...
open access, collaboration, cross-publishing, styles, XML, meta data management, primary data management
taxonomy development, information lifecycle management, GPM, records management, compliance
blockchain, search engines, cloud and syncro, format obsolescence, storage, representation, website, data migration
recherche, inquiry, e-discovery, freedom of information
standards, interfaces, evaluation, implementation, Gever, e-government, cloud
information governance, privacy, digital signatures, PKI, encryption, secure transmission, human being as a security risk
information society, information literacy, knowledge production, open data, open access, digital divide, social media, crowdsourcing, work-life balance
personal information management.
Analog supported by digital. CMdT camel token. Blockchain, ICO, Smart Contracts.
We look forward to you.
cmdt information, switzerland